Numerical Partial Differential Equations: Finite Difference Methods (Texts in Applied Mathematics) J.W. Thomas
Publisher: Springer
This scholarly text provides an introduction to the numerical methods used to model partial differential equations, with focus on atmospheric and oceanic flows. Time Dependent Problems and Difference Methods by Bertil Gustafsson, Heinz-Otto Kreiss, Joseph Oliger (Pure and Applied Mathematics: A Wiley-Interscience Series of Texts, Monographs and Tracts). Numerical Analysis of Partial Differential Equations provides a comprehensive, self-contained treatment of the quantitative methods used to solve elliptic partial differential equations (PDEs), with a focus on the efficiency as well as the error of the of elliptic PDEs: finite difference, finite elements, and spectral methods. Partial Differential Equations with Numerical Methods (Texts in Applied Mathematics) Information For each type of PDE, elliptic, parabolic, and hyperbolic, the text contains one chapter on the mathematical theory of the differential equation, followed by one chapter on finite difference methods and one on finite element methods. Trefethen Lecture 6: analyzing the spectrum of some finite difference operators (introduction to numerical dispersion and dissipation). Free online: Finite Difference and Spectral Methods for Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations Lloyd N. Partial Differential Equations.: A Computational Approach (Texts Applied Mathematics)(repost) - Torrent, Torrent, Hotfile, Xvid, Axxo, Download, Free Full Movie, Software Music, Ebook, Games, TVshow, Application, Download. The chapters on elliptic equations are preceded by a chapter on the two-point boundary value problem for ordinary differential equations. Finite difference methods, spectral methods, finite element method, flux-corrected methods and TVC schemes are all discussed. Throughout, the author Dale Durran is Professor and Chair of Atmospheric Sciences and Adjunct Professor of Applied Mathematics at the University of Washington. Numerical methods are included in the book to show the significance of computations in partial differential equations and to illustrate the strong interaction between mathematical theory and the development of numerical methods. Each topic has its own devoted chapters and is discussed alongside additional key topics, including: The mathematical theory of elliptic PDEs.