Carpenter's Complete Guide to the SAS Macro Language, 2nd Edition Art Carpenter
Publisher: SAS Publishing
Having read his 'Complete Guide to the SAS Macro Language' I knew that he was capable of presenting an exhaustive, in-depth, & clever collection of tips, examples, references on a variety of levels. Carpenter's Complete Guide to the SAS Macro Language, Second Edition. Geared toward all levels of SAS users, Output Delivery System: The Basics and Beyond is an example-driven book that presents each of the wide array of ODS techniques in an easy-to-use, two-page layout, with the text and code on one page and the resulting output on the Carpenter s Complete Guide to the SAS(R) REPORT Procedure is written in Art s own friendly and comfortable style, reminiscent of his major works on the topic of the SAS(R) macro language. Language: English Released: 2004. Carpenter's complete guide to the SAS Macro Language was wrong! I have to admit, before reading Carpenter's book, 'The Complete Guide to the Proc Report Procedure' I had high expectations about he was offering to the seasoned SAS programmer. 2.Carpenter's Complete Guide to the SAS Macro Language (2nd Edition) 3.SAS Macro Programming Made Easy (2nd Edition). This new book does not disappoint. Carpenter's Complete Guide to the SAS Macro Language, Second Edition, by Art Carpenter 4. G.Tower says: 2011 年02 月09 日at 17:19. Learning SAS By Example: A Programmer's Guide, by Ron Cody 2. GO Carpenter's Complete Guide to the SAS Macro Language, 2nd Edition Author: Art Carpenter Type: eBook. Output Delivery System: The Basics, by Lauren Haworth 3. So I would assume FM which makes you a winner in my book! Publisher: SAS Publishing Page Count: 385. It is straight out of "What's New In the SAS 9 and 9.1 Macro Language Facility". ƞ断顶起呀,又一个奋斗在SAS路上的新星~.